The objectives of the organization are divided into general and specific objectives.
The general objective has to be attained by the organization as the whole. The
specific objectives will be the aims which will be met by the specific departments.
General objective:
The general objective of Tabora Economic and Social Development Organization
(TESDO) is enhancement of economic and social development in Tabora .by
cooperating with the Tabora Community in the activities thereof, imparting in
them applicable entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and thus encouraging their
participation in development activates. The welfare in this context reflects the
living standard in terms of annual income and social services.
Specific objectives:
The following are the specific objectives of Tabora Economic and Social
Development Organization (TESDO):
- To create awareness and encourage the Tabora Community to invest in
- education.
- To impart and provide entrepreneurship skills and knowledge
- respectively.
- Advising and encouraging Investors to invest in Tabora region.
- Conducting researches on challenges facing the economic and social
- sector in the region.
- Encouraging the Tabora community participation and volunteerism in
- economic and social development activities.